Ten Class Tune Up


This series of ten classes is based on Yoga Tune Up®: a fusion of yoga, functional fitness, self-massage and an analytical approach to movement created by Jill Miller. These classes are designed for beginners, but you will need to be able to get up and down from the floor and kneel on all fours for brief periods. Modifications are offered for Sun Salutations and some of the more challenging poses.

All of these classes make use of props. The massage tools (Regular YTU balls and Coregeous Balls) are available here. (This is an affiliate link and I receive a small percentage if you purchase from this website). You can substitute other soft tools (small rubber balls for the regular balls and a child’s blow-up ball or small pillow for the Coregeous) but you will have a better experience if you invest in the tools designed by Jill Miller for this purpose. Please do not substitute hard tools like golf balls or lacrosse balls! Texture matters.

Other props that you will need:

  • a yoga mat or other non-slip surface,

  • foam yoga blocks (available at most department stores),

  • a large towel or blanket,

  • a firm, sturdy chair,

  • and a yoga strap (you can substitute a tie or belt in most cases).

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